The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase of globalization produce positive effects to everyone. Do you agree or disagree?
What’s more, if people adore foreign businesses much more than native businesses, this poses a negative influence on our local brands, which is also the reason why some are not in favor of the opinion.
※ 借这个句子提醒各位小烤鸭一句,一定要注意措辞是否学术正式噢!
※ adore: 爱慕(某人)或很喜欢(某物)[informal]
What is more, if people favour foreign businesses rather than local ones, this is likely to have a negative impact on local economies.
※ 将非正式用词adore换成favour后,大家是否发现much more than也换成了rather than,原因在于favour本身不仅表示“喜爱”,它的具体含义是“更喜爱,偏爱”;
※ 句子中名词不重复,用ones替换,foreign businesses rather than local ones;
※ native (adj.) belongs to one by birth
local (adj.) is from or in a nearly location
※ pose a threat/danger/problem 造成威胁/危险/问题
have a negative impact on 产生负面影响
※ this is likely to 相较于this poses措辞更严谨,语气没有那么绝对。